SGPA to CGPA Calculator

Welcome to our SGPA-to-CGPA conversion calculator! If you are a student and you want to calculate the SGPA obtained in all your semesters into a CGPA, then you are at the right place. This calculator designed by us is a useful tool that helps you to convert your SGPA to CGPA instantly. Simply enter your SGPA for each semester, and our calculator will calculate the CGPA for you.

CGPA: 0.00

What is the SGPA to CGPA Calculator?

The SGPA-to-CGPA calculator is a simple tool that helps students find out their CGPA from their obtained SGPA. “SGPA” stands for Semester Grade Point Average, which is your average grade for a semester. “CGPA” stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average, which is the average of all your grades across all semesters.

How to Use the SGPA to CGPA Calculator

Using the SGPA to CGPA calculator is simple and straightforward. Follow these steps:

  • Enter Your SGPA: Fill in the SPGA received in the first semester in the input box.
  • Add Semester: To add more semesters, click on the Add Semester button; otherwise, leave.

Once you have entered the SGPA obtained in all your semesters by clicking on the Add Semester button, click on the Calculate CGPA button. This tool will calculate your overall CGPA based on the data you enter. and will give you results.

How does this calculator work?

This tool will first take data input from you in SGPA form, process the data, and give you output in CGPA form.

This calculator uses the following formula to convert from SGPA to CGPA.

This tool uses this formula to convert from SGPA to CGPA.

CGPA = (SGPA₁ + SGPA₂ + SGPA₃ + ... + SGPAn) / Number of All Semster
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